Contact details
Poland, 60-318 POZNAŃ, ul. Władysława Węgorka 20
phone no: +48 61 864 9000, fax: +48 61 867 63 01
Project title:
„Innovative strategies for copper-free low input and organic farming systems”
Acronym: CO-FREE
Programme: 7th EU Framework Programme, KBBE-2011-5
Project period: 01.01.2012–30.06.2016
Contract number: 289497
Project Coordinator: Annegret Schmitt Ph.D. (Julius Kühn-Institut)
e-mail:; phone +49 (0) 6151 407 241
Project Coordinator from IPP – NRI: Jolanta Kowalska Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
e-mail:; phone + 48 61 864 90 77
About: The project aims to develop innovative methods, tools and concepts for the replacement of copper in European organic and low input fruit, grapevine, potato and tomato production systems. Copper-free production systems will be achieved by providing alternative compounds, ‘smart’ application tools and integrating these tools into traditional and novel copper-free crop production systems. The copper-free production systems will be evaluated also with respect to agronomic, ecologic and economic performance. CO-FREE will develop strategies of breeding goals by development of crop ideotypes and evaluation of acceptance of novel disease-resistant cultivars by consumers and retailers.
The project beneficiaries are 21, from them 11 are Research and Development Units and 10 SME from the 10 European Union member countries namely France, Great Britain, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and one from Switzerland.
Project website:
Poland, 60-318 POZNAŃ, ul. Władysława Węgorka 20
phone no: +48 61 864 9000, fax: +48 61 867 63 01