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Abstracts and posters

Submission of abstracts

Participants willing to present a contribution are asked to prepare an abstract, which will be included in the Congress book of abstracts after acceptance. Abstracts should be submitted on line. Only registered participants can submit an abstract. Each participant can submit more than one abstract (up to 3). The deadline for submission of papers is 31 October 2014. Confirmation of your abstract acceptance is 15 November 2014.


Abstract should contain a short introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions not divided in chapters. Some of the sections may be omitted if they are not relevant. Length is 3000 characters (spaces included).

Contributions will be presented as posters. The scientific committee will select some contributions and invite authors to present them as oral in the parallel sessions or thematic workshops.

Participants will receive the electronic version of the Congress book of abstracts at the meeting.

The content of submitted abstracts should be clear and written in proper English.


Posters will be located in the main exhibition room and visible all through the duration of the meeting.

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Contact details

Contact details

Poland, 60-318 POZNAŃ, ul. Władysława Węgorka 20

phone no: +48 61 864 9000, fax: +48 61 867 63 01


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